Topic | 水產百科網
2012年2月17日—HasanyonebredBrachygobiusbefore?I'vebeengivingthisagowithagroupofBrachygobiusxanthomelasrecentlybutwhatI'mseeing ...
Has anyone bred Brachygobius before?
I’ve been giving this a go with a group of Brachygobius xanthomelas recently but what I’m seeing differs from accounts I read. I read they’re supposed to lay under a branch or in a cave (present in tank) then protect them, but mine seem to scatter eggs in little patches across the tank, most frequently on the glass, and abandon them.
Gravid female:
Egg patch:
Curious whether anyone else has seen this?
Brachygobius xanthomelas — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
Topic | 水產百科網
Freshwater bumblebee goby | 水產百科網
True Freshwater Bumblebee Goby (Brachygobius xanthomelas) | 水產百科網
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【珍珠雷達蝦虎Stigmatogobius sadanundio】鰕虎魚科
【金桔小蜜蜂Brachygobius doriae】鰕虎魚科