Sea robin | 水產百科網
Searobin,alsocalledgurnard,anyoftheslimbottom-dwellingfishofthefamilyTriglidae,foundinwarmandtemperateseasoftheworld.Searobinsare ...
sea robin, any of the slim bottom-dwelling fish[1] of the family Triglidae, found in warm and temperate[2] seas of the world. Sea robins are elongated fish with armoured bony heads and two dorsal fins. Their pectoral fins are fan-shaped, with the bottom few rays each forming separate feelers. These feelers are used by the fishes in “walking” on the bottom and in sensing mollusks[3], crustaceans[4], and other bottom-dwelling prey.
Sea robins are usually brightly coloured, and some have ornately patterned pectoral fins. The tub gurnard[5] (Chelidonichthys lucernus) of Europe, for example, is a reddish fish with pectoral fins brightly edged and spotted with blue and green. Sea robins are also vocal and can produce audible sounds[6] with their swim bladders[7] and certain attached muscles. Along the American Atlantic, the common sea robin[8] (Prionotus carolinus) is noted for its sound production[9]. The largest species of sea robin...
Triglidae | 水產百科網
Prionotus carolinus | 水產百科網
Sea robin | 水產百科網
Common sea robin | 水產百科網
Northern Sea Robin | 水產百科網
These Fins Are Made for Walking | 水產百科網
Sea Robin | 水產百科網
Sea robin walking on the seafloor near Ta'u island | 水產百科網
sea robin | 水產百科網
【眼角石狗公Pontinus tentacularis】科 (Scorpaenidae)