Honecomb Catfish (Centromochlus perugiae) | 水產百科網
2019年8月18日—BecauseHoneycombCatfishcannotseeredwavelengths,manytropicalfishkeepingenthusiastsusearedspectrumLEDtoviewthemfeeding ...
The Honeycomb Catfish (Centromochlus perugiae) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Oil Catfish or Driftwood Catfish is found around the shorelines of swiftly flowing rivers and streams in Ecuador and Peru.
Centromochlus perugiae are usually collected over sandy substrates in areas with little to no aquatic vegetation.
Honeycomb Catfish are a small, peaceful, nocturnal species that are ideally suited for South American biotope aquariums or other peaceful community tanks. During the day, they hide among rocks, logs, or bogwood in spaces barely large enough for them to get into, and at dusk come out to greedily forage on small insects, crustaceans, larvae, worms, etc.
The Honeycomb Catfish is covered with irregular black splotches over a...
Honeycomb Catfish | 水產百科網
Driftwood Catfish | 水產百科網
Centromochlus perugiae | 水產百科網
Honeycomb Catfish | 水產百科網
Cat Questions | 水產百科網
Honeycomb catfish! | 水產百科網
Honecomb Catfish (Centromochlus perugiae) | 水產百科網
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