Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums | 水產百科網
ThisisoneofthelargerKillifishreachingamaturesizeof4inches.Themalesofthisspeciesarebrightlycolored,withthebodyhavingayellowtobluecoloration ...
The Golden Wonder Killifish is captive bred, but is normally found in freshwater and brackish ponds, streams and marshes of Africa. The term Killy is derived from the Dutch word meaning ditch or channel, not because this fish is a killer in the aquarium. These fish are ideal fish for the community aquarium, and will add some vibrant color and activity to these aquariums. This is one of the larger Killifish reaching a mature size of 4 inches. The males of this species are brightly colored, with the body having a yellow to blue coloration with vibrant orange spots and stripes covering the body and fins. The female of this species are more subdued in color and form.The Golden Wonder Killifish is not demanding and can adapt to a variety of water conditions. These fish prefer a heavily planted aquarium, and softer water on the acidic side.
This species of Killifish is not an annual species. Their eggs do not need to be removed f...
Golden Wonder Killifish (Aplocheilus lineatus) | 水產百科網
Golden Wonder Killifish - Habitat, Care | 水產百科網
Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums | 水產百科網
Killifish Care Sheet | 水產百科網
The Ultimate Care Guide For Golden Wonder Fish | 水產百科網
Next Killifish: Species | 水產百科網
Striped Panchax | 水產百科網
【黃金鱂Aplocheilus lineatus】單唇鱂科
【斑節鱂 Epiplatys annulatus Clown killie】
水產分類:台灣常見的大陸水產品圖說中文名稱:斑節鱂 學名:EpiplatysannulatusClownkillie科別名稱:命名學者:
【紅背血帆女王鱂Procatopus nototaenia】花鱂科
【印度青龍鱂Aplocheilus panchax】單唇鱂科