Top 5 of the World's Most Shocking Underwater Creatures ... | 水產百科網
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Top 5 of the World's Most Shocking Underwater Creatures ... | 水產百科網
Malapterurus electricus | 水產百科網
Aside from giving an unpleasant surprise to the occasional careless fisherman who handles it (the EOD an electric catfish generates is not known to be fatal to ... Read More
Electric eels | 水產百科網
2015年1月6日 — Human deaths by electric eel are extremely rare, but that kind of power does have the potential to arrest the heart or cause respiratory failure. Read More
Electric catfish | 水產百科網
Electric catfish, any of about 18 widely distributed freshwater catfish species ... The electric catfish (Malapterurus electricus) can deliver shocks up to 450 volts, but ... powerful electric organs, which they apparently use to immobilize or kill prey. Read More
10 of the World's Most Dangerous Fish | 水產百科網
The candiru, (Vandellia cirrhosa), is a scaleless, parasitic catfish of the family ... They are apt to attack humans only when disturbed, but then they can be quite vicious. ... In one fish survey of a typical varzea, electric eels made up more than 70 .. Read More
Electric Eel | 水產百科網
Size relative to a 6-ft man: IUCN Red List ... Their scientific classification is closer to carp and catfish. ... WATCH: Electric Eels Can Leap From the Water to Attack. Read More
can electric catfish kill human | 水產百科網
can electric catfish kill human. The Electric Catfish can be found throughout much of tropical Africa and in most parts of the Nile River. Electric Catfish Man was ... Read More
Can an Electric Eel Kill You? | 水產百科網
2015年8月11日 — Electric eels can shock and kill animals in surrounding waters, but could ... What started as an ordinary fishing trip for a Brazilian man ended in shocking ... in the order Gymnotiformes and is a cousin to the carp and catfish. Read More
【電鰻Electrophorus electricus】裸背電鰻科
【象鼻Gnathonemus petersii】象鼻魚科
【披巾瞻星魚Ichthyscopus lebeck】瞻星魚 (Uranoscopidae)
【裸胸鯙之一種Gymnothorax sp.】鯙科 (Muraenidae)
【白鰻Anguilla japonica】鰻鱺 (Anguillidae)
【繁星糯鰻Conger myriaster】糯鰻科 (Congridae)
【繁星糯鰻Conger myriaster】糯鰻 (Congridae)
【緬甸巨型坦克鴨嘴Bagarius yarrelli】吸口鯰科