Alien invasive species (AIS) definition | 水產百科網
Introduction.Whenspeciesarereleasedintoanovelenvironmenttheycanbecomeinvasiveandposeaseriousproblem.Invasivealienspecies,alsoknownas ...
Below are some of the many documented examples of invasive alien species. These species are all highlighted by IUCN’s report on 100 of the world’s worst invasive alien species 6.
Mammal: Small Indian mongoose
A classic example of a very problematic invasive alien species is the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes javanicus (auropunctatus)). The small Indian mongoose is native western, southern and southeastern Asia. It was introduced to control rats, a previously released invasive alien species, in areas such as Fiji, the West Indies and Hawai’i. As a direct predator, it has caused a number of extinctions of endemic birds, reptiles and amphibians. It also carries rabies 6.
Insect: Yellow crazy ant
The yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) was introduced into Christmas Island and within 18 months had killed 3 million land crabs, despite only having invaded 5% of the forest. The crabs play a key role within the Christmas Island forest ecos...
Definitions of the terms alien speciesplants and invasive alien ... | 水產百科網
Glossary | 水產百科網
Invasive alien species | 水產百科網
Invasive species | 水產百科網
What are Invasive Alien Species? | 水產百科網
Alien species definition | 水產百科網
Alien invasive species (AIS) definition | 水產百科網
What is an alien species? | 水產百科網
Invasive species | 水產百科網
Invasive alien species | 水產百科網
【絨毛近方蟹Hemigrapsus penicillatus】方蟹科 (Grapsidae)
【尖額光背蟹Lissocarcinus polybioides】梭子蟹科 (Portunidae)
【中華絨螯Eriocheir sinensis】岩蟹 (Grapsidae)
【字紋弓蟹Varuna litterata】方蟹科 (Grapsidae)