Epiplatys annulatus – Clown Killifish (Haplochilus annulatus ... | 水產百科網
ClownKillifish.SynonymsTop↑.HaplochilusannulatusBoulenger,1915;Pseudepiplatysannulatus(Boulenger,1915);Aplocheilusannulatus(Boulenger, ...
Haplochilus annulatus Boulenger, 1915; Pseudepiplatys annulatus (Boulenger, 1915); Aplocheilus annulatus (Boulenger, 1915)
EtymologyEpiplatys: from the Greek ἐπί (epí), meaning ‘above, on top of’, and πλατύς (platýs), meaning ‘flat, broad’, in reference to the flat dorsal surface of the anterior half of the body in members of this genus.
annulatus: from the Latin annulus, meaning ‘ring’, in reference to this species’ banded colour pattern.
ClassificationOrder: Cyprinodontiformes Family: Nothobranchiidae[1][2]
DistributionWidely-distributed in coastal lowlands of southern Guinea and Sierra Leone to northwestern Liberia (around Monrovia).
Boulenger gave the type locality as ‘Matea, Sierra Leone’ with this assumed to refer to a settlement currently known as ‘Maka’ in the Moka river system, southern Sie...
Clown Killifish | 水產百科網
Woot! Fresh... | 水產百科網
Clown Killifish... | 水產百科網
Clown Killifish | 水產百科網
Killifish – Green Chapter | 水產百科網
Clown Killifish AKA Rocket Killifish (Epiplatys ... | 水產百科網
Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus) | 水產百科網
Clown Killifish Care Guide | 水產百科網
Epiplatys annulatus – Clown Killifish (Haplochilus annulatus ... | 水產百科網
【斑節鱂 Epiplatys annulatus Clown killie】
水產分類:台灣常見的大陸水產品圖說中文名稱:斑節鱂 學名:EpiplatysannulatusClownkillie科別名稱:命名學者: