US Department of State | 水產百科網
SyriasevereddiplomaticrelationswiththeUnitedStatesin1967inthewakeoftheArab-IsraeliWar.Relationswerereestablishedin1974.Syriahasbeenonthe ...
The United States is the largest single donor to the humanitarian response in Syria, providing over $12.2 billion in humanitarian assistance for vulnerable individuals inside Syria and those displaced in the region since the start of the crisis. The U.S. government supports emergency food assistance, shelter, safe drinking water, urgent medical care, humanitarian protection activities, and other urgent relief. U.S. humanitarian aid reaches 4.8 million people inside Syria’s 14 governorates every month as well as more than five million of the 5.6 million refugees from Syria in the region.
Syria | 水產百科網
Syrian civil war | 水產百科網
Syria | 水產百科網
Why has the Syrian war lasted 10 years? | 水產百科網
Syria | Country Page | 水產百科網
Syria | 水產百科網
US Department of State | 水產百科網
Syria | 水產百科網
Syrian crisis | 水產百科網
【花紋細螯蟹Lybia tessellata】扇蟹科 (Xanthidae)