Sevenspot Archerfish | 水產百科網
Identification.Thespecieshasavariablecolourpattern.Thebodyistypicallywhiteorsilvery,withsixorsevenblackspotsofvaryingsize.·Habitat.Thespecies ...
IdentificationThe species has a variable colour pattern. The body is typically white or silvery, with six or seven black spots of varying size. The dorsal profile of the body from the tip of the snout to the dorsal fin is almost straight. This body shape in combination with the location of the dorsal fin well back on the body, allows the fish to swim very close to the surface and look upwards without creating surface disturbance. This is an advantage when hunting insects which rest on overhead vegetation.
HabitatThe species lives in freshwater and estuarine habitats.
DistributionThe Sevenspot Archerfish is found throughout much of south-east Asia. In Australia it is recorded from Derby, Western Australia to Townsville, Queensland.
The map below shows the Australian distribution of the species based on public sightings and specimens in Australian Museums. Source: Atlas of Living Australia[1].
References Atlas of Living Australia (www.ala....Toxotes chatareus | 水產百科網
Toxotes chatareus (Largescale Archerfish) — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
Toxotes chatareus, Spotted archerfish | 水產百科網
Sevenspot Archerfish | 水產百科網
Toxotes chatareus | 水產百科網
【七星高射炮Toxotes chatareus】射水魚科