Bloodfin Tetra Care Guide | 水產百科網
The Bloodfin tetra, also known as True Bloodfin, Redfin Tetra, or Glass Bloodfin, is a very appreciated freshwater fish, especially by beginners, as it is very easy to care for and quite hardy[1].
Even more skilled aquarists will sometimes add a school of these fish to their tanks from time to time because they love this little active schooling fish.
Many people like the Bloodfin Tetra for their beautiful, yet discreet, coloration.
They have silver bodies with a greenish tone, depending on the aquarium lighting, and red fins, which give these fish their name.
They usually reach about 2 inches long and their typical lifespan is between 5 to 7 years.
Bloodfin Tetra Care Guide [Overview]Bloodfin tetra is an easy-to-care-for fish that lives for an average of seven years. It prefers being fed foods like worms and shrimp and requires a water temperature of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. It would be best to purchase a 10 or 20-gallon tank because these ...
Bloodfin tetras vs glass bloodfin tetras | 水產百科網
Prionobrama filigera (Glass Bloodfin Tetra) — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
The Complete Guide to the Bloodfin Tetra | 水產百科網
Bloodfin Tetra Care Guide | 水產百科網
Glass bloodfin tetra | 水產百科網
Bloodfin Tetra | 水產百科網
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