Tigerfish | 水產百科網
Tigerfish,anyofseveralfishessonamedonthebasisoftheirpugnacitywhencaught,theirfiercelypredaceoushabits,ortheirappearance.InAfrican ...
tigerfish, any of several fishes so named on the basis of their pugnacity when caught, their fiercely predaceous habits, or their appearance. In African freshwaters, tigerfishes of the genus[1] Hydrocynus (sometimes Hydrocyon) are admired game fishes of the characin family, Characidae (order Cypriniformes). They are marked, depending on the species, with one or several dark, lengthwise stripes and are swift, voracious, salmon-shaped carnivores with daggerlike teeth that protrude when the mouth is closed. There are about five species; the largest (H. goliath) may be more than 1.8 metres (6 feet) long and may weigh more than 57 kg (125 pounds). The smaller H. vittatus[2] is claimed to be one of the finest game fishes in the world.
In the Indo-Pacific, marine and freshwater tigerfishes of the family Theraponidae[3] (order Perciformes) are rather small and usually marked with bold stripes. The three-striped tigerfish (Therapon jarbu...
Tigerfish | 水產百科網
Hydrocynus vittatus | 水產百科網
Hydrocynus goliath | 水產百科網
Tiger barb | 水產百科網
African Tiger Fish · Tennessee Aquarium | 水產百科網
Tiger Barb Fish Species Profile | 水產百科網
Tigerfish | 水產百科網
【剛果燈Phenacogrammus interruptus】Alestidae