Spotted tilapia | 水產百科網
Species of fish
The spotted tilapia (Pelmatolapia mariae[2]), also known as the spotted mangrove cichlid or black mangrove cichlid, is a species of fish of the cichlid family.[3] It is native to fresh and brackish water in West and Central Africa,[3] but has been introduced to other regions where it is considered invasive.[4]
Spotted tilapia have high fecundity, simple food requirements and extensive tolerance of environmental variables such as water temperature, salinity, and pollution.[4] These characteristics allow spotted cichlids to rapidly populate many areas that have an appropriate habitat. Typically spotted tilapia tend to be an aggressive and territorial species,[4] and research has found that internal reproductive androgenic factors can overrule the effect of size on dominance encounters in this species.[5]
...點非鯽 | 水產百科網
Spotted tilapia | 水產百科網
Tilapia mariae – Discover Fishes | 水產百科網
Spotted Tilapia (Tilapia mariae) | 水產百科網
Pelmatolapia mariae, Spotted tilapia | 水產百科網
Spotted Tilapia (Tilapia mariae) | 水產百科網
Tilapia mariae (spotted tilapia) | 水產百科網
issg Database | 水產百科網
侵入物種專家群資料庫:生態Tilapia mariae | 水產百科網
Black mangrove cichlid (Tilapia mariae) | 水產百科網
【非洲黑龍Heterotis niloticus】巨鯡科
【七星高射炮Toxotes chatareus】射水魚科
【紅色吳郭魚Oreochromis </I>spp.】慈鯛科 (Cichlidae)
【薩伊猴頭鯛Steatocranus casuarius】慈鯛科
【剛果燈Phenacogrammus interruptus】Alestidae
【尼羅吳郭魚Oreochromis niloticus】慈鯛科 (Cichlidae)