Delhezi Bichir (Armored or Banded Bichir) | 水產百科網
TheDelheziBichirisalsoknownastheArmoredorBandedBichirandoriginatesfromtheCongobasin,Africa.Aswithothermembersoftheprimitive ...
The Delhezi Bichir is also known as the Armored or Banded Bichir and originates from the Congo basin, Africa. As with other members of the primitive Polypteridae family, the Delhezi Bichir has the unique ability to survive out of water. With a lung-like paired swim bladder and gills to help breathing, the Delhezi Bichir can spend short periods of time on land, but must soon return to its water environment for adequate respiration. This species is snakelike in shape with a tapered, blunt head and is silver/grey in appearance with many black vertical bars covering the back of the fish. Their mouth is relatively small when compared to other Bichir.
The Delhezi Bichir does best in a large "oddball" aquarium with other large, passive fish. When provided with plenty of open swimming areas, rocks and crevices, the Delhezi Bichir is not usually aggressive toward tank mates. This species is semi-aggressive in the fact that they will swallow any fish or invertebrate that they...
Delhezi Bichir (Armored or Banded Bichir) | 水產百科網
Barred bichir | 水產百科網
Delhezi Bichir – Polypterus Delhezi – Tropical Fish Site | 水產百科網
Freshwater Fish For Sale | 水產百科網
Polypterus delhezi (Armoured Bichir) — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
Polypterus delhezi, Barred bichir | 水產百科網
Polypterus delhezi – Banded Bichir | 水產百科網
Banded Bichir | 水產百科網
【薩伊猴頭鯛Steatocranus casuarius】慈鯛科