The mbuna keeper's survival guide | 水產百科網
MbunaareendemictoLakeMalawiinAfrica'sGreatRiftValley—a3,700-milelongtrenchcreatedbytheAfricantectonicplatetearingapart.Malawiisagigantic ...
Above: Cynotilapia afra has the mbunas classic blue vertical bars.
Fishkeepers the world over struck gold with the introduction of the small colourful rock dwelling cichlids from East Africa’s Lake Malawi. The mbuna as they are known (pronounced mmm-boon-a or mu-boon-a,) are hardy, easy to keep, easy to breed, and widely available.
One qualification any aquarium fish needs to become really popular is colour, and mbuna deliver this in swathes. Yellow and orange are common mbuna colours but importantly, and rarely for any wild-type tropical fish is blue, and this is where the mbuna excel, with literally hundreds of bright blue species, which have tricked many an onlooker into thinking these totally freshwater fish are in fact marine.
Next is the number of species you can keep together. No other aquarium is capable of holding as many different sp...
Mbuna | 水產百科網
The mbuna keeper's survival guide | 水產百科網
How to Set Up an Mbuna Cichlid Tank | 水產百科網
Top 5 Peaceful Mbunas | 水產百科網
How many Mbuna can you keep in an aquarium? | 水產百科網
What are Mbuna compatible with? | 水產百科網
The Mbuna Aquarium | 水產百科網
16 Mbuna ideas | cichlids | 水產百科網
African Cichlids – tagged "mbuna" – Imperial Tropicals | 水產百科網
【帝王寶石Mikrogeophagus altispinosus】慈鯛科
【黃金珍珠虎Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold】慈鯛科
【關刀藍寶石Acarichthys heckelii】慈鯛科
【尼羅吳郭魚Oreochromis niloticus】慈鯛科 (Cichlidae)
【血鸚鵡Amphilophus citrinellus × Cichlasoma synspilum】慈鯛科 (Cichlidae)
【紅色吳郭魚Oreochromis </I>spp.】慈鯛科 (Cichlidae)