Spotted Metynnis (Myletes maculatus) — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
4Responsesto“Metynnismaculatus–SpottedMetynnis(Myletesmaculatus)”...ThedepictedfishisMeynnismola.ItcanbedistinguishedfromallotherMetynnis ...
Myletes maculatus Kner 1858
EtymologyMetynnis: from the Ancient Greek μετά (metá), meaning ‘after, beyond’, and
maculatus: from the Latin maculatus, meaning ‘spotted’.
ClassificationOrder: Characiformes Family: Serrasalmidae[1][2]
DistributionThis species’ range is unclear with records extending from Guyana to the upper and lower Amazon basins in Peru and Brazil, respectively.
However, it is probably found only in the upper rio Madeira, a major branch of the western Amazon watershed in Bolivia and western Brazil, including its major tributaries the rios Beni and Mamoré, plus the upper rio Paraguai in Brazil.
The majority of records pertain to the rio Guaporé (Río Iténez in Bolivia), the main affluent of the rio Mamoré, which drains the vast tropical wetland known as the Pantanal, an...
Metynnis maculatus, Spotted metynnis | 水產百科網
Metynnis maculatus - fisheries | 水產百科網
Spotted Metynnis (Myletes maculatus) — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
Metynnis maculatus (Kner | 水產百科網
斑點銀板魚 | 水產百科網
Metynnis maculatus | 水產百科網
【舊金山噴點銀板Metynnis lippincottianus】脂鯉科