Candy Cane Tetra Care: Lifespan | 水產百科網
2020年12月30日—TheCandyCaneTetra(Hyphessobryconbentosi)isaspeciesoffreshwatertetrafishinthefamilyCharacidae.Thisnewlydiscoveredspeciesis ...
Most of the time, people who wish to have a pet fish don’t know much about how to take care of the fish. To keep the fish healthy and happy, first, you will need to study their basic requirement. So, with this intention, here I am today, writing this blog post to give you an introduction to Candy Cane Tetra.
Candy Cane Tetra, also known as “Ornate Tetra” or “False Rosy Tetra[1]” or “HY511 Tetra”, is a recently discovered species. Candy Cane Tetra is the perfect addition to any freshwater community aquarium or a planted tank. Besides this, the fish is reasonably hardy, making it an excellent keep for intermediate hobbyists. Peaceful in nature, this stunning beauty will mesmerize you with its candy-colored appearance.
All living organisms have some requirements. And special care needs to be taken for the ones in a vivarium. Here’s all you need to know about Candy Cane Tetra.
Candy Cane Tetra Summary ChartCare LevelEasyScientific NameHyphessobrycon bentosiOriginPeru, Sou...Candy Cane Tetra Care: Lifespan | 水產百科網
Candy Cane Tetra | 水產百科網
HY511 Candy Cane Tetra (Hyphessobrycon sp ... | 水產百科網
Candy Cane Tetra (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus "HY511 ... | 水產百科網
Candy Cane Tetra | 水產百科網
PetSmart Candy Cane Tetra | 水產百科網
Premium Rare Candy Cane Tetra | 水產百科網
Candy Cane Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bentosi) | 水產百科網
【紅尾黑霓虹燈Hyphessobrycon metae】脂鯉科