Salt & Pepper Cory | 水產百科網
CareTheSalt&PepperCoryisknownfromtheupperOrinocoRiverbasin,whereitinhabitsthemarginalzonesoftributarystreamsandheavilyvegetatedperiodic ...
The Salt & Pepper Cory is known from the upper Orinoco River basin, where it inhabits the marginal zones of tributary streams and heavily vegetated periodic wetlands. This is a peaceful little species, ideally suited to smaller softwater aquaria. Due to its diminutive adult size, it is not suitable for the general community aquarium as it may be intimidated by or preyed upon by larger tankmates. A small, mature, densely planted tank would be perfect for this pretty, shoaling catfish. There should be a sandy substrate in order to protect the delicate sensory barbels, and some shady hiding spots amongst driftwood and broad leaved plants. Floating plants can also be useful in helping to diffuse bright lighting. Peat filtration will help to keep the water soft and acidic, and the tannins released will result in the fish showing their best colours. Filtration sho...
Salt and Pepper Pygmy Cory Catfish (Corydoras ... | 水產百科網
Salt & Pepper Cory | 水產百科網
Salt and pepper catfish | 水產百科網
Salt and Pepper Cory Care - Size | 水產百科網
Corydoras habrosus – Salt and Pepper Cory — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
Salt and Pepper Corydoras: Care | 水產百科網
Salt and Pepper Corydoras – Corydoras habrosus – Tropical ... | 水產百科網
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【超級舒瓦茲鼠Corydoras schwartzi】美甲鯰科
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【阿奎尼斯鼠Corydoras araguaiaensis】美甲鯰科
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【螢光綠鼠Corydoras aeneus】美甲鯰科
【黑金紅頭鼠Corydoras duplicareus】美甲鯰科
【長吻巨無霸鼠Brochis multiradiatus】美甲鯰科