Brasil | 水產百科網
Neon tetras (Paracheirodon spp.) are three colorful characid species with a complicated taxonomic history, and relationships among the species are poorly known. Molecular data resolved the relationships among the three neon tetras, and strongly supported monophyly of the genus and its sister taxon relationship to Brittanichthys. Additionally, the sister-taxon relationship of the rummy-nose tetras Hemigrammus bleheri and Petitella georgiae was strongly supported by molecular and morphological data. Therefore, we propose to transfer the rummy-nose tetras H. bleheri and H. rhodostomus to the genus Petitella. Furthermore, Petitella georgiae is likely to be a species complex comprised of at least two species.
Keywords:Blood-red tetras; Characids; Neon tetras; Phylogeny; Rummy-nose tetras
Os neon tetras (Paracheirodon spp.) são três espécies de caracídeos coloridos com uma complicada história taxonômica e as relações entre suas espécies são pouco conhecidas. Dados molecu...
Rummy-Nose Tetras | 水產百科網
Brasil | 水產百科網
Petitella georgiae – False Rummy | 水產百科網
Firehead Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri) — Seriously Fish | 水產百科網
Petitella georgiae | 水產百科網
Hemigrammus bleheri | 水產百科網
Rummy | 水產百科網
Petitella georgiae The #rummynose... | 水產百科網
(PDF) Phylogenetic relationships of the neon tetras ... | 水產百科網
【巴西紅頭剪刀Hemigrammus bleheri】脂鯉科
【紅眼剪刀Petitella georgiae】脂鯉科
【飛鳳燈Aphyocharax paraguayensis】脂鯉科