Pennant coralfish | 水產百科網
Thepennantcoralfish(Heniochusacuminatus),alsoknownasthelongfinbannerfish,reefbannerfishorcoachman,isaspeciesoffishofthefamily ...
Species of fish
The pennant coralfish (Heniochus acuminatus), also known as the longfin bannerfish, reef bannerfish or coachman, is a species of fish of the family Chaetodontidae, native to the Indo-Pacific area.[4]
The pennant coralfish is a small-sized fish that can reach a maximum length of 25 cm.[5][6] However, the average size generally observed in the nature oscillates around 15 cm.[7]
Its body is compressed laterally, the first rays of its dorsal fin stretch in a long white filament. The background color of its body is white with two large black diagonal bands. Beyond the second black stripe, the dorsal and the caudal fins are yellow. The pectoral fins are also yellow. The head is white, the eyes are black and linked together by a black band. The snout, spotted with black, is a bit stretched with a small terminal protractile (it can be extend) mouth.
The juvenile doesnt have yet after the second black stripe any white area like adults.
The ...
Schooling bannerfish | 水產百科網
Pennant coralfish | 水產百科網
Red Sea bannerfish | 水產百科網
Heniochus monoceros | 水產百科網
Heniochus varius | 水產百科網
Schooling Bannerfish | 水產百科網
Singular Bannerfish | 水產百科網
Longfin Bannerfish | 水產百科網
臺灣魚類資料庫 | 水產百科網
Longfin Bannerfish Care - Size, Life Span | 水產百科網
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