Electric Catfish - Profile | Traits | Size | Care | 水產百科網
2020年6月3日—ElectricCatfishprofile...Anumberofspeciesofthisfamilyhavetheflexibilitytoprovideanelectricalshockofasmuchas350voltsutilizing ...
(Last Updated On: April 14, 2021)Electric catfish or Malapteruridae is a catfish family within the order Siluriformes. This family consists of two genera, Malapterurus and Paradoxoglanis, with 21 species.
This article will give an overview of Electric catfish for sale, size, tank size, care, facts, voltage, etc.
Electric Catfish profileA number of species of this family have the flexibility to provide an electrical shock of as much as 350 volts utilizing electroplaques of an electrical organ.
Electrical catfish are present in tropical Africa and the Nile River. Electrical catfish are often nocturnal and carnivorous.
Some species feed totally on different fish, incapacitating their prey with electrical discharges, however, others are generalist backside foragers, feeding on issues like invertebrates, fish eggs, and detritus. The biggest can develop...
Electric catfish | 水產百科網
Electric catfish | 水產百科網
Efficient high | 水產百科網
High | 水產百科網
Electric Catfish - Profile | Traits | Size | Care | 水產百科網
Efficient high | 水產百科網
High | 水產百科網
Efficient high | 水產百科網
Electric Catfish | 水產百科網
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