Managing Crown | 水產百科網
2021年1月5日—TheGreatBarrierReefisunderseverepressurefromanumberoffactors,includingdeterioratingwaterquality,cyclones,risingwater ...
The challenge Crown-of-thorns starfish threaten the Reef’s survivalThe Great Barrier Reef is under severe pressure from a number of factors, including deteriorating water quality, cyclones, rising water temperatures and increasing ocean acidification due to climate change, as well as a major predator of corals, the Crown-of-thorns starfish (CoTS).
Initial coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef declined by about 50 per cent over the 30 years to 2012 and has continued to decline since that time. CoTS, which feed on hard corals, were responsible for almost half of the decline to 2012 (De’ath et al., 2012). Along with cyclones and bleaching, CoTS remain a key threat to hard corals on the reef and, therefore, a threat to the health and future of this ecologically, economically and culturally important Australian ecosystem.
Responding to the threat posed by CoTS requires that we:
understand the causes of CoTS outbreaks and use this understanding to preven...Crown of Thorns Starfish | 水產百科網
What are crown-of | 水產百科網
Crown-of | 水產百科網
Crown-of | 水產百科網
Crown-of | 水產百科網
GBRMPA - Crown-of | 水產百科網
Managing Crown | 水產百科網
Crown of Thorns Starfish | 水產百科網
Winning the war on Great Barrier Reef crown | 水產百科網
【攝氏梯形蟹Trapezia serenei】梯形蟹科 (Trapeziidae)
【毛掌梯形蟹Trapezia cymodoce】梯形蟹科 (Trapeziidae)