The Coconut Octopus | 水產百科網
AlsoknownasSandBirdOctopus,VeinedOctopus,Walktopus.Foundsinglyonsandybottomsoftenburiedinthesandorinreceptacleslikecoconutshellsover ...
DescriptionAlso known as Sand Bird Octopus, Veined Octopus, Walktopus.
Found singly, on sandy bottoms, often buried in the sand or in receptacles like coconut shells, over bays and lagoons. Colour varies to blend in with surroundings. They feed on clams, crabs, and shrimp. Length - 8cm Depth - 0-190m Widespread Western Pacific
This wonderful Octopus found hiding inside coconut shells, covered in shells, empty snail shells in bottles or just buried in the sand with only the eyes showing, it has the ability to walk away on two arms.
Octopus make their homes in holes in the reef or bury in the sand. They can often be found by the tell tail debris outside the holes. Octopus feed by grabbing their prey with their tentacles or by spreading their skirt (the webbing between their tentacles) over the reef and hoovering up underneath. They have a beak for biting their prey, th...
Amphioctopus marginatus | 水產百科網
Coconut Octopus | 水產百科網
Coconut Octopus — Interesting Facts | 水產百科網
Facts About the Amazing Coconut Octopus | 水產百科網
49 Best Coconut Octopus ideas | 水產百科網
The Coconut Octopus | 水產百科網
【墨魚之一種Sepia sp.】烏 (Sepiidae)
【章魚之一種Octopus sp.】章魚 (Octopodidae)
【大尾魷魚Sepioteuthis lessoniana】鎖管 (Loliginidae)
【透抽Loligo edulis】鎖管 (Loliginidae)
【日本魷Todarodes pacificus】赤魷 (Ommastrephidae)