Apistogramma cacatuoides Yellow wild | 水產百科網
2020年10月16日—ApistogrammacacatuoidesYellowwild...TheCockatooDwarfCichlidisoneofthemostpopularmembersofthegenusApistogrammaandfound ...
The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is one of the most popular members of the genus Apistogramma and found in petshops all over the World. Almost exclusively bred specimens of very colourful sports are traded. These do not appear in the wild.
However, “the” wild form of A. cacatuoides does not exist at all. Like so many other Apistogramma, this one is polychromatic in males. This means that even within one population males can look very different. The biological sense of the phenomenon is not understood at all. But the polychromatism is without any doubt the reason why in so many cases Apistogramma sports can be developed after only a few generations of breeding the fish.
Currently we have wild collected specimens of A. cacatuoides from Peru in our stock, where many males show a particularly high degree of yellow in coloration.
Wild Apistogramma cacatuoides (Apistogramma cacatuiodes ... | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides wild | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides Yellow wild | 水產百科網
Cichlid | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides | 水產百科網
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Wild 3cm | 水產百科網
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