Apistogramma cacatuoides | 水產百科網
Malesalsoexhibitastronglylyratetailandextendedventralfins.Femalesaremuchsmallerthanmales,growingtoamaximumof2inches.Theyaregenerallya ...
Apistogramma cacatuoides (A 200 - A 203) are one of the most widely available Apistogrammas and are the type species for the cacatuoides group of Apistogrammas. They are relatively hardy and fairly easy to keep and breed. Not only are they considered a beginners apisto, they are also spectacularly beautiful. Like most dwarf cichlids the male and female are markedly different in appearance.Males reach about three inches in total length and are very colorful. They usually sport a very high dorsal fin with several very extended rays on the front of the fin. Males also exhibit a strongly lyrate tail and extended ventral fins. Females are much smaller than males, growing to a maximum of 2 inches. They are generally a brownish to dusky yellow color but can be a vibrant yellow during times of brood care.
Apistogramma cacatuoides are widely distributed in the Upper A...
Apistogramma cacatuoides color morph | 水產百科網
Apistogramma Cacatuoides red color morphs | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides color genes | 水產百科網
Cichlid | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides | 水產百科網
Brasil | 水產百科網
Apistogramma cacatuoides Colors | 水產百科網
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