Albino Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus sp. Albino ... | 水產百科網
TheAlbinoGlowlightTetraisthealbinoformoftheGlowlightTetrathatcomesfromtheEssequibobasininGuyanaandhasbeenfoundlivingintheEssequibo, ...
The Albino Glowlight Tetra is the albino form of the Glowlight Tetra that comes from the Essequibo basin in Guyana and has been found living in the Essequibo, Mazaruni, and Potaro Rivers. Areas of these waters are stained with tannins which make them naturally soft and acidic, ideal conditions for the Glowlight Tetra to thrive.
The Glowlight Tetra is one of the most popular of all tetras as it’s peaceful and easy to care for.
Glowlight Tetras are schooling fish; keep them in groups of at least six or more. You can also keep them with other small peaceful fish, including other small Tetras, Danios, Cory Catfish, and peaceful Loaches. Although they are a schooling fish, they will generally not school together with other species. This is true even with species of similar size and shape, such as the Neon and Cardinal Tetras. Slow moving fish and fish with long fins are safe with Glowlight Tetra...
Albino Glowlight Tetra | 水產百科網
Albino Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus sp. Albino ... | 水產百科網
Albino Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus ... | 水產百科網
Albino Glowlight Tetra | 水產百科網
Albino Glowlight Tetra Live Tropical Freshwater Aquarium ... | 水產百科網
Glowlight tetra albino | 水產百科網
Glowlight Tetra Fish Species Profile | 水產百科網
ALBINO GLOLITE TETRA regular (Florida Bred ... | 水產百科網
【貝蒂燈Hemigramus pulcher ''Pretty Tetra''】脂鯉科
【剛果燈Phenacogrammus interruptus】Alestidae
【巴西紅頭剪刀Hemigrammus bleheri】脂鯉科