American Flag Fish | 水產百科網
American Flagfish
The flagfish, also known as the American flagfish or Florida flagfish, is a pupfish from the family Cyprinodontidae which is endemic to Florida, North America. Its common name derives from the male body pattern, which bears some resemblance to the stars and stripes of the USA flag. An omnivorous species which should be offered a varied diet consisting of a good quality flake food and frozen foods such as bloodworm, daphnia, and brineshrimp. This species will also eat vegetable matter such as lettuce, cucumber and spinach.
American Flag Fish are not typically aggressive, but should be kept with similar sized peaceful community fish. An aquarium with moderate lighting will help bring out the colours. This species is able to tolerate a wide range of aquarium water conditions (see below).
What do Flag Fish eat? The American flagfish is a voracious eater, so wi...
Who has had experience with the American Flag Fish ... | 水產百科網
Aggressive American flag fish and spotted plants | 水產百科網
Flagfish temperament? | 水產百科網
Flagfish - Habitat, Feeding | 水產百科網
American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) Complete Care Guide ... | 水產百科網
American Flagfish - Habitat, Care | 水產百科網
American Flagfish Care and Breeding Guide | 水產百科網
American Flag Fish | 水產百科網
American Flagfish Killifish | 水產百科網
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