Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
The Congo Tetra is considered by many to be the jewel of tetras in the home aquarium because of its natural beauty. They have flowing fins that some have described as shimmering and the main color tends to be silver with an orange glow.Congo Tetras do well in a peaceful community aquarium that is well lit and moderately planted. They prefer to swim in schools of 5-8 in an aquarium that has plenty of room. It is best if this fish is the dominant species in the tank or it may become shy and reclusive.
Congo Tetras are egg layers and because of this you must make sure if breeding to separate the adults from the eggs or the eggs may be eaten. Another consideration is that the eggs of this fish are extremely vulnerable to fungus and the aquarium should be treated accordingly.
The Congo Tetra will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, micro pel...
Congo Tetras (large) | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra for Sale | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra Phenacogrammus Interruptus The Trop Company | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) – Imperial Tropicals | 水產百科網
Congo Tropical Tetra | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Pair Congo Tetra Tropical Fish 4cm for sale online | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) 4cm | 水產百科網
【剛果燈Phenacogrammus interruptus】Alestidae
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【巴西紅頭剪刀Hemigrammus bleheri】脂鯉科