Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Phenacogrammus Interruptus
How hard are they to keep? It is reasonably hardy and easy to care for. What is its maximum size? Males 8.5cm, Females 6cm Where are they from? Congo Tetra originate from the Zaire River and nearby lakes in central Africa. Today the majority offered for sale are captive bred. How many can I keep? The Congo Tetra when adult is one of the most impressive medium sized characins. They can be nervous if kept in small numbers. We recommend a shoal of 4 or more. What are the ideal water conditions? Ideal water conditions are slightly acidic to neutral, slightly soft water but they will adapt to a wide range of water parameters. Temperature 22-26°c. PH 6-7.5. What do you feed them? Congo Tetra are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods. Feed a varied diet of frozen, freeze dried and flake foods. How compatible is it with other fish? The Congo tet...
Congo Tetras (large) | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra for Sale | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra Phenacogrammus Interruptus The Trop Company | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) – Imperial Tropicals | 水產百科網
Congo Tropical Tetra | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra | 水產百科網
Pair Congo Tetra Tropical Fish 4cm for sale online | 水產百科網
Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) 4cm | 水產百科網
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