Johnny Darter | 水產百科網
Whats In a Name? Johnny darter:
Etheostoma (ee-thee-os´-toe-mah) taken from etheo, which means "to filter" and from stoma, which means "mouth" in Greek nigrum (nie´-grum) meaning "black" in Latin
Where Do They Live? The Johnny darter is the most common darter in the state. It lives in most of our lakes, streams, and rivers from the Boundary Waters to the southern prairie. Johnny darters are among the first fishes to move into new aquatic habitats or to recolonize a stream after a catastrophe. They prefer clear water with sandy or gravely bottoms and slow or still waters, but they do very well in moderately turbid (cloudy), moving water. They seem to tolerate many kinds of water pollution, more so then other darters species. They often found living with the American brook lamprey, white suckers, bigmouth shiners, central stonerollers, blacknose dace, and other specie...
Darter Observations: Spawning | 水產百科網
Egg | 水產百科網
Fantail darter | 水產百科網
Johnny Darter | 水產百科網
Etheostoma caeruleum | 水產百科網
Fecundity and Egg Size in Two Central Texas Darter ... | 水產百科網
Reproduction of the Orangebelly Darter | 水產百科網
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species | 水產百科網
Darter | 水產百科網
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【斑節鱂 Epiplatys annulatus Clown killie】
水產分類:台灣常見的大陸水產品圖說中文名稱:斑節鱂 學名:EpiplatysannulatusClownkillie科別名稱:命名學者: