Etheostoma caeruleum | 水產百科網
Reproduction·Breedinginterval:Rainbowdartersspawnyearly.·Breedingseason:ThesefishspawnbetweenthemonthsofMarchandJuneintemperaturesof ...
Geographic RangeRainbow darters (Etheostoma caeruleum) are native to the Nearctic region. Year-round, this species inhabits small rivers and streams in eastern North America. Rainbow darters have been widely located in vast numbers in the Ohio River valley and the tributaries of the Great Lakes. They are also found throughout the Mississippi River, as far north as Minnesota and as far south as southeastern Louisiana. This species also is located in the Potomac River in Maryland and Virginia, the Little Miami River in Ohio, the Hudson Bay tributaries in Minnesota, the Missouri River in Missouri, the Kanawha River in West Virginia and Virginia, the Wabash River in Indiana, the Green river in Tennessee and Kentucky, and the Osage River in Missouri. (Ray, et al., 2006[1])
Darter Observations: Spawning | 水產百科網
Egg | 水產百科網
Fantail darter | 水產百科網
Johnny Darter | 水產百科網
Etheostoma caeruleum | 水產百科網
Fecundity and Egg Size in Two Central Texas Darter ... | 水產百科網
Reproduction of the Orangebelly Darter | 水產百科網
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species | 水產百科網
Darter | 水產百科網
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【斑節鱂 Epiplatys annulatus Clown killie】
水產分類:台灣常見的大陸水產品圖說中文名稱:斑節鱂 學名:EpiplatysannulatusClownkillie科別名稱:命名學者:
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