Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species | 水產百科網
Howoftendoesreproductionoccur?Rainbowdartersspawnyearly.·Breedingseason:ThesefishspawnbetweenthemonthsofMarchandJuneintemperatures ...
What do they look like?A small fish, rainbow darters only grow to be 3 inches, or 5 to 7 centimeters long. They can be a very brightly-colored fish, depending on their sex and whether it is breeding season. Their base color is olive-green and it is mottled with 6 to 10 brown saddles down the length of the body. They also have up to 14 vertical stripes down their body, which are perhaps more clearly visible than the saddles. Females have brown stripes, while males usually have blue stripes that are separated by orange-coloring. The first dorsal fins usually have red-coloring close to the body, with a blue fringe. However, in female rainbow darters, this coloring is not very well developed and may simply appear as thin lines. In fact, many of their fins are colored differently depending on their gender. For example, the second dorsal fins on male ...
Darter Observations: Spawning | 水產百科網
Egg | 水產百科網
Fantail darter | 水產百科網
Johnny Darter | 水產百科網
Etheostoma caeruleum | 水產百科網
Fecundity and Egg Size in Two Central Texas Darter ... | 水產百科網
Reproduction of the Orangebelly Darter | 水產百科網
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species | 水產百科網
Darter | 水產百科網
【扁棘鯛Banjos banjos】扁棘鯛科 (Banjosidae)
【印度青龍鱂Aplocheilus panchax】單唇鱂科
【斑節鱂 Epiplatys annulatus Clown killie】
水產分類:台灣常見的大陸水產品圖說中文名稱:斑節鱂 學名:EpiplatysannulatusClownkillie科別名稱:命名學者: