Are fish far more intelligent than we realize? | 水產百科網
2014年8月4日—Fishcanlearnfromeachother,recognizeotherfishthey'vespenttimewithpreviously,knowtheirplacewithinfishsocialhierarchies,andr ...
Most people think of fish as somehow lesser than pigs, cows, chickens and other land animals.
We have a vague notion that fish arent as intelligent (think of the common belief that fish only have a three-second memory[1]) and genuinely wonder whether they can feel pain[2]. Lots of people consider themselves vegetarians, but eat fish while abstaining from all other meats.
Australian biologist Culum Brown has a provocative argument in response, based on his years of research into fish behavior and learning. "Theyre just not any less intelligent or sophisticated than terrestrial animals," he says. "That idea is a total myth."[3]
Theyre just not any less intelligent than terrestrial animals
Fish dont have a three-second memory, Brown has found — in fact, they can be taught how to evade a trap and remember it a year later. Fish can learn from each other,...
The Hidden Lives of Fish | 水產百科網
Are fish far more intelligent than we realize? | 水產百科網
Fish intelligence | 水產百科網
Are Fish As Intelligent As Crows | 水產百科網
Six Fish That Are Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For ... | 水產百科網
Fish Intelligence | 水產百科網
Fish Are Way Smarter Than You Think | 水產百科網
Blind cave fish are smarter than dogs | 水產百科網
The Top 10 Smartest Pets | 水產百科網
Underwater and underrated | 水產百科網
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