Fish intelligence | 水產百科網
AccordingtoCulumBrownfromMacquarieUniversity,Fisharemoreintelligentthantheyappear.Inmanyareas,suchasmemory,theircognitivepowersmatch ...
The elephantnose fish has the highest brain-to-body oxygen consumption ratio of all known vertebrates The bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of all known vertebratesFish intelligence is "...the resultant of the process of acquiring, storing in memory, retrieving, combining, comparing, and using in new contexts information and conceptual skills"[1] as it applies to fish.
According to Culum Brown from Macquarie University, "Fish are more intelligent than they appear. In many areas, such as memory, their cognitive powers match or exceed those of ‘higher’ vertebrates including non-human primates."[2]
Fish hold records for the re...
The Hidden Lives of Fish | 水產百科網
Are fish far more intelligent than we realize? | 水產百科網
Fish intelligence | 水產百科網
Are Fish As Intelligent As Crows | 水產百科網
Six Fish That Are Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For ... | 水產百科網
Fish Intelligence | 水產百科網
Fish Are Way Smarter Than You Think | 水產百科網
Blind cave fish are smarter than dogs | 水產百科網
The Top 10 Smartest Pets | 水產百科網
Underwater and underrated | 水產百科網
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