Are Fish As Intelligent As Crows | 水產百科網
2014年6月20日—Brownreviewednearly200researchpapersonfishsensoryperception,naturalcognitiveabilities(including“numerality,”oranabilityto ...
Whether they’re caught in the wild or raised in captivity, fish are a major food souce worldwide. Nearly 5 billion people worldwide got 15 percent of the animal protein in their diets from fish in 2011; for another 2.9 billion it was 20 percent. In 2011, that added up to about 132.3 million metric tons of fish.[1]
But the welfare of fish—which are vertebrates just like cows, pigs, and chickens, and possessing evolutionary lineages as long as those of homo sapiens—has been barely discussed. As a result “the potential amount of cruelty we’re inflicting is mind-boggling,” says fish biologist Culum Brown, an assistant professor at Macquarie University in Australia. “People need to have a greater appreciation of how smart fish are,” he says. “Just because we’re ignorant is no excuse to treat another animal poorly. All the evidence suggests that they...
The Hidden Lives of Fish | 水產百科網
Are fish far more intelligent than we realize? | 水產百科網
Fish intelligence | 水產百科網
Are Fish As Intelligent As Crows | 水產百科網
Six Fish That Are Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For ... | 水產百科網
Fish Intelligence | 水產百科網
Fish Are Way Smarter Than You Think | 水產百科網
Blind cave fish are smarter than dogs | 水產百科網
The Top 10 Smartest Pets | 水產百科網
Underwater and underrated | 水產百科網
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