Fish Intelligence | 水產百科網
2017年7月12日—Whatifyourfishiscapableofunderstandingmorethanevenyourcatordog?Arethebehaviorsofmemory,cooperation,recognitionof ...
By Jessie M Sanders, DVM, CertAqV – Aquatic Veterinary Services (CA)
You’ve may have heard the joke: A fish and its three second memory will never be bored swimming around its bowl because by the time it makes a full circle, it’s already forgotten where it’s been.
But what if your fish were capable of much more than you assume? What if your fish are judging you and making assumptions the same way you watch them?
How is Fish Intelligence Measured?By what means do we measure intelligence in any species? Is it fair to hold fish to the same standards as fluffy, huggable pets? Certainly, it is easier to anthropomorphize and try to understand what your dog or cat may be thinking that it is with your fish. Anyone who has brought their cat or dog to the vet can observe their feelings of anxiety and avoidance, but it is harder to read a pet fish.
What ...
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